Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Morning Mini Vacation

It was a no chain ride this morning. Riding along at a high cadence was effortless. The Riverside State Park Loop is one of my most frequent rides and yet it still can create magic moments like today. I could have stayed out all day but I am off to work now. I have to feel lucky about my life when I can have some beautiful moments along the river among the ponderosa pines on a wednesday. Waiting until the weekend to have recreation is the shame of modern living along with the ridiculous 2 weeks of vacation per year. 50 weeks on 2 weeks off is truly shameful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U R right, we should be like the Europeans who all get 1 month off in the summer. The USA is work alcholic, people are rewarded for too many hours at work and to hell with the family or the employees sanity. ITS CALLED GREED AND GREED IS GOOD ( "FROM MICHAEL DOUGLAS)